Civilizaţie - Cultură

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Lucrări: 39 lucrari in 39 publicatii in 11 limbi
ЕК : Културен двумесечник de: Държавна агенция за българите в чужбина (Text tipărit)
Вечное во временном de: Филонова, Людмила (Text tipărit)
The Creators : A History of Heroes of the Imagination de: Boorstin, Daniel J. (Text tipărit)
Baku Forum Reader : [World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Baku, 7-9 April 2011] de: World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue (2011) (Text tipărit)
Transmodernity : Managing Global Communication : Proceedings of the 2nd ROASS Conference de: Transmodernity : Managing Global Communication (2009) (Text tipărit)
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