• A Woman Killed with Kindness and Other Domestic Plays
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Editor: Wiggins, Martin
    Responsabilitate: Edited With an Introduction and Notes by Martin Wiggins
    Titlu: A Woman Killed with Kindness and Other Domestic Plays/ Edited With an Introduction and Notes by Martin Wiggins
    Detalii publicare: Oxford University Press
    Locul publicării: Oxford
    Anul Ediției: 2008
    ISBN: 978-0-19-282950-4
    Descriere: 344 p.
    Limba: eng
    Serie: Oxford World's Classics
    Serie: Oxford English Drama
    Serie: Annals of "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
    Clasificare: 821.111-2(082)
    Note conţinut: Conţine : A Chronology of the plays and their genre ; The tragedy of master Arden of Faversham ; A woman killed with kindness ; The witch of Edmonton ; The English traveller ; Appendix 1 : the unknown author of Arden of Faversham ; Appendix 2 : the date of The English traveller ; Explanatory notes ; Glossary
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