• Fifteen things : Literature in the digital age: beyond fear to the accelerating need for teachers and readers with knowledge : [The Edge of the Precipice: Why read literature in the digital age?; Vikram Chandra. Geek Sublime: Writing fiction, coding software; Peter Swirski. From Literature to Biterature: Lem, Turning, Darwin, and explorations in computer literature, philosophy of mind, and cultural evolution]
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: analitic (parte componentă)
    Autor: Howard, Jennifer
    Responsabilitate: Jennifer Howard
    Titlu: Fifteen things : Literature in the digital age: beyond fear to the accelerating need for teachers and readers with knowledge/ Jennifer Howard
    Informație la titlu: [The Edge of the Precipice: Why read literature in the digital age?; Vikram Chandra. Geek Sublime: Writing fiction, coding software; Peter Swirski. From Literature to Biterature: Lem, Turning, Darwin, and explorations in computer literature, philosophy of mind, and cultural evolution]
    Detalii publicare:
    Locul publicării: Marea Britanie
    Anul Ediției: 2014
    Limba: eng
    Conținut de: TLS : The Times Literary Supplement. 2014 -- October 17 -- Nr. 5820 -- P.3-4
    Subiect: Teorie literară - Cultura digitală - Sec. 21
    Clasificare: 82.09
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