• Giving a voice to rural workers : General Survey concerning the right of association and rural workers' organizations instruments. Third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations. Report of the Committee of Exsperts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution). Report III(Part 1B)
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Editor: International Labour Office
    Responsabilitate: International Labour Office
    Titlu: Giving a voice to rural workers/ International Labour Office
    Informație la titlu: General Survey concerning the right of association and rural workers' organizations instruments. Third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations. Report of the Committee of Exsperts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution). Report III(Part 1B)
    Detalii publicare: ILO
    Locul publicării: Geneva
    Anul Ediției: 2015
    ISBN: 978-92-2-129007-0 (print)
    ISBN: 978-92-2-129008-7 (Web pdf)
    ISSN: 0074-6681
    Descriere: IX, 134 p.
    Limba: eng
    Serie: Die Architektur des Klassizismus in Deutschland
    Serie: International Labour Conference
    Subiect: Organizarea internaţională a muncii - Conferinţe - Muncă agricolă
    Clasificare: 331.91:631
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