• At the Court of the Amazones : The discovery of an unknown seventeenth-century play about martial women
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: analitic (parte componentă)
    Autor: Verweij, Sebastiaan
    Responsabilitate: Sebastiaan Verweij
    Titlu: At the Court of the Amazones/ Sebastiaan Verweij
    Informație la titlu: The discovery of an unknown seventeenth-century play about martial women
    Detalii publicare:
    Locul publicării: Marea Britanie
    Anul Ediției: 2019
    Note: A newsly discovered and wholly unknown 17th century play, untitled but set "at the Court of the Amazones" - citations from the play in the Woburn Abbey Collection, Bedford
    Limba: eng
    Conținut de: TLS : The Times Literary Supplement. 2019 -- April 12 -- Nr. 6054 -- P. 16: il.
    Subiect: Amazoane - Folclor universal - Literatură engleză - Teatru - sec.17
    Clasificare: 821.111.09-2"16"
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