• Human Developmant in Europe and the CIS : Summaries of the 1995 National Human Development Reports for RBEC Programme Countries
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Responsabilitate: UNDP. Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (RBEC)
    Titlu: Human Developmant in Europe and the CIS/ UNDP. Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (RBEC)
    Informație la titlu: Summaries of the 1995 National Human Development Reports for RBEC Programme Countries
    Detalii publicare: [ s. n.]
    Locul publicării: New York
    Anul Ediției: 1996
    Descriere: 166 p.
    Limba: eng
    Subiect: Populaţie - Dezvoltare socială
    Subiect: Statistica populaţiei
    Clasificare: 31(4)
    Clasificare: 316.3(4)
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