Limba engleză - Corectitudine

Prezentare generală
Lucrări: 27 lucrari in 27 publicatii in 2 limbi
Attitudes to English Usage de: Edminson, Mary; Mittins, W. H.; Salu, Mary (Text tipărit)
British English, A to Zed de: Schur, Norman W. (Text tipărit)
Dictionary of Correct English de: Thorpe, E. G. (Text tipărit)
English : Prepositions. Phrasal Verbs and Confused Words de: Radu, Mihai; Abegaz, Shimeket; Fabian, Emilia (Text tipărit)
English Vocabulary in Use de: McCarthy, Michael; O'Dell, Felicity (Text tipărit)
Forbidden Words : Taboo and the Censoring of Language de: Allan, Keith; Burridge, Kate (Text tipărit)
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