Medicină populară - China

Prezentare generală
Lucrări: 23 lucrari in 23 publicatii in 4 limbi
Atlas meridianov čeloveka de: Li, Din (Text tipărit)
Best of traditional chinese medicine de: Xie Zhu-Fan, M. D. (Text tipărit)
Chinese acupuncture and Moxibustion de: Deng, Liangyue (Text tipărit)
Daoist Health Preservation Exercises de: Bian, Zhizhong (Text tipărit)
Episodes in Traditional Chinese Medicine de: Bai, Jingfeng (Text tipărit)
Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine de: Yin, Huihe; Shuai, Xuezhong (Text tipărit)
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